As the curtain closes on an enchanting evening of dance and celebration, the festivities continue at this exclusive event, reserved solely for Premium ticket holders, table purchasers, and their esteemed guests. Nestled within the ambiance of Bad Harriet, prepare to be transported back in time to the glamorous era of speakeasies and clandestine revelry.

Mingle with fellow patrons, raise a toast to the success of the gala, and celebrate alongside the talented dancers of DanceAspen. With its alluring speakeasy vibes, premium cocktails, and DJ Naka G, the Old Hollywood Gala VIP After Party promises to be an unforgettable night of revelry and camaraderie. Join us as we toast to an evening of glamour, success, and the magic of dance!

July 12, 2024

Approx. 10:00 pm

Bad Harriet at the Hotel Jerome

*This event is limited to all Premium ticket holders, table purchasers and their guests. 

*Premium Ticket holders, table purchasers and their guests will receive an invitation with more information prior to the event.