Consider supporting DanceAspen by donating goods and/or services to help make this important and exciting event a success. Your contributions will help DanceAspen pull off the party of the year, ultimately raising the funds the funds necessary to continue to bring new and exciting choreography to the Valley and help to support our resident artists.

Donating goods and/or services is also a great way to gain exposure for your business as you will be recognized as an event sponsor with many perks and benefits. Please see our Goods and Services Sponsorship Tiers below.

DanceAspen is a 501c-3 and donations are tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor on the benefits of your donation

DanceAspen Gala 2024 Goods and Services Sponsorship Tiers

    • $5,000-$10,000 value of donated goods and services

    • Recognition as a Gala Sponsor in all media promotions and printed materials

    • Verbal recognition as a sponsor of the gala

    • Recognition, with logo, in the Gala program and in a looped video presentation

    • Logo on Step and Repeat

    • Recognition on the DanceAspen website Gala Page, Gala emails and other social media

    • Logo included on Sponsor signage at gala

    • Tax write off- All donated items will be acknowledged with a donation receipt from DanceAspen that lists the item(s) and the provided value of the donation. With this letter, please consult your tax advisor on the tax benefits of your donation. We appreciate your support!

    • **Commitment must be made by June 1 to be included in the printed materials

    • $2,500-$4,999 value of donated goods and services

    • Recognition as a Gala Supporter in all media promotions and printed materials

    • Recognition, with logo, in the Gala program and in a looped video presentation

    • Recognition on the DanceAspen website Gala Page, Gala emails and other social media

    • Logo included on Sponsor signage at gala

    • Tax write off- All donated items will be acknowledged with a receipt from DanceAspen that lists the item(s) and the provided value of the donation. With this letter, please consult your tax advisor on the tax benefits of your donation. We appreciate your support!

    • **Commitment must be made by June 1 to be included in the printed materials

    • $1,000-$2,499 value of donated goods and services

    • Recognition, with logo, in the Gala program and in a looped video presentation

    • Logo included on Sponsor signage at gala

    • Tax write off- All donated items will be acknowledged with a donation receipt from DanceAspen that lists the item(s) and the provided value of the donation. With this letter, please consult your tax advisor on the tax benefits of your donation. We appreciate your support!

    • **Commitment must be made by June 1 to be included in the printed materials

    • $999 value of donated goods and services

    • Tax write off- All donated items will be acknowledged with a donation receipt from DanceAspen that lists the item(s) and the provided value of the donation. With this letter, please consult your tax advisor on the tax benefits of your donation. We appreciate your support!

    • **Commitment must be made by June 1 to be included in the printed materials

Don’t have goods or services to donate? Want to give more?

Consider Sponsoring a table for your business or donating an auction item!

Contact us at to set up your sponsorship plan

For all wire transfer payments, please fill out this form: Wire Transfer Form

For all payments made by check, please make checks payable to DanceAspen and mail to: 406 E Hopkins Ave, Unit D, Aspen CO 81611.