Outreach Program

DanceAspen seeks to bring the joy of art and movement to everyone in our community. We believe that dance can empower and connect people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. Through collaboration with local schools and after school programs, we aim to provide opportunities for children to learn and grow as they develop a love of dance.

For more information, email info@danceaspen.org

Program Offerings

  • DanceStart Initiative

    "DanceStart" is an innovative outreach initiative pioneered by DanceAspen, aimed at fostering a deeper appreciation for the arts and dance among young students. This program takes high-caliber dance directly into schools, providing an immersive experience that ignites creativity and fosters an enjoyment and appreciation for dance in students of all ages.

  • Master Class Series

    For a more comprehensive experience, we offer a series of master classes taught by the DanceAspen company members. Classes can take place over several days or several weeks depending on the goals of the program and feature a variety of subjects including dance technique, repertory, composition, improvisation, and more.

  • Curated Field Trips

    DanceAspen collaborates with schools to provide field trip opportunities that give students the chance to experience dance in the studio and in the theater. Students can participate in a master class with our dance artists before attending one of DanceAspen's full-length performances.